4x5 1.0 Assembly Manual
The old instruction manual website has been folded into the main Standard Cameras site! For anyone still completing the Standard 4x5 1.0 assembly, it can be found here.
1.1 - Introduction
To complete the assembly process, all you will need is a screwdriver. Please, do not use an electric screwdriver of any kind. You’ll have to put a little elbow grease into this assembly process. 😀 3D printed parts are strong, but they can be damaged if you aren’t careful or over tighten. If it feels like you’re applying too much torque, you probably are!
Included in your kit is a Hardware Reference Sheet. Use this throughout the assembly to make sure you are using the correct hardware. We use the circled numbers from the Reference Sheet to help you identify which hardware to use. You can see this in the example below. Also, the numbers in parenthesis tell you how many of each part you need.
All of the images in the manual (including on this page) can be clicked to enlarge them. Use this whenever you need to look at something more closely.
For Example:

Pay close attention to the parts you’re using! They may slightly differ from the ones you see in images. This will be pointed out to you where applicable. For example, these two Front Standard assemblies are both correct, but have slightly different parts. This is due to design upgrades which occurred over the years.
Similarly, pay close attention to the hardware for each step. Be sure to use the Hardware Reference Sheet to determine the correct hardware when you’re unsure. The sheet is printed to scale, so you can lay the hardware on top to verify which is which!
We recommend you read each step completely before you begin. This will help avoid any mistakes during assembly. Use both the written descriptions and the images.
2.1 – Mount Rail Endcaps
Parts Required:
➤ Aluminum Rail
➤ #4 ½” Screw (x2)
➤ Rail Endcap (x2)
There are holes on the Aluminum Rail and the Rail Endcap. Insert the Rail Endcap so the holes align.
Fasten the Endcap in place using one of the #4 ½” screws. Make sure the screws do not stick out past the aluminum.
Complete the same process for both ends of the Rail.
2.2 – Place Bolts in Standard Mounts
Parts Required:
➤ Standard Mount (x2)
➤ ¼”-20 bolt 1 ¼” (x2)
Please note that your Standard Mounts may look like this one. This does not affect the next couple assembly steps.
Through the opening in the bottom of the Standard Mount, insert a bolt into the part. You must use this bottom opening – it will not fit if you try from the side. Be sure you are using the bolts. They are the longer pair of bolts included in your hardware bag. There is a hexagon shaped opening to capture the bolt and prevent it from spinning.
Make sure the bolt is completely clear of the interior space. This is where the Aluminum Rail goes.
Complete the same process for both Standard Mounts.
2.3 – Slide Mounts onto Rail
Parts Required:
➤ Standard Mount (x2)
➤ Tripod Mount
➤ Rail Assembly
Note the hexagon shaped opening on each of the three Mounts. When sliding each part onto the Rail, make sure they are all facing the same side.
Slide the parts onto the rail in the order pictured here (Standard Mount, Tripod Mount, Standard Mount). The Tripod Mount’s the large flat surface should be opposite of the Standard Mount’s. Leave some space between each of the Mounts.
Make sure the hexagon shaped openings are all facing the same side.
Your Standard Mounts and Tripod Mount may look like these. If so, just make sure that all the hexagon openings are aligned, as seen above. Here you can see the three parts mounted with knobs attached – you will complete this part of assembly in the next few steps.
2.4 – Place Bolts in all Mounts
Parts Required:
➤ Rail Assembly
➤ 10-24 Bolt 2″ (x3)
Place a bolt into each Mount, entering from the side with the hexagon opening mentioned previously. These openings capture the head of the bolt to prevent it from spinning. Line up the bolt and the opening, and press it into place. It should be a moderately tight fit to prevent the bolt from falling out during daily use. It will be nearly flush with the Mount when positioned properly.
Complete the same process for all three Mounts.
2.5 – Press Nuts into Knobs
Parts Required:
➤ Fork Knob (x2)
➤ Front Standard Knob (x2)
➤ ¼”-20 Hex Nut (x4)
➤ Rail Knob (x3)
➤ 10-24 Hex Nut (x3)
For the Fork Knobs and the Front Standard Knobs, use the ¼”-20 Hex Nuts.
For the Rail Knobs, use the 10-24 Hex Nuts.
Align the nut and the opening in each knob. Apply moderate force to press fit the nut into each knob. The Rail Knobs will be used in the next step, but the Fork Knobs and Front Standard Knobs can be set aside for later.
Some Standard 4×5 Kits may come with some nuts already inserted into the Knobs.
2.6 – Place Knobs on all Mount Bolts
Parts Required:
➤ Rail Assembly
➤ Rail Knob (x3)
Attach a Rail Knob onto each of the Mounts and lightly tighten. As shown in the image, make sure the nut is facing outward. Otherwise the nut will unseat itself. Complete the same process for all Mounts.
The Rail Assembly is complete! For now, set it aside. We will now begin working on the Front Standard Assembly.
3.1 – Attach Bottom Lensboard Clip
Parts Required:
➤ Front Standard Frame
➤ #4 ½” Screw (x2)
➤ Bottom Lensboard Clip
Please note that your Front Standard Frame may look slightly different, as well as your Bottom Lensboard Clip (seen here). The steps will still be the same – hole positions and hardware requirements match.
Make sure you are working on the bottom of the Front Standard Frame. The part will not fit the top, and you can damage the parts if you try to force it.
With the “S45” or “S45 1.0” text upright, fasten the Bottom Lensboard Clip into place. Partially fasten each #4 ½” Screw before completely tightening them. Check the image to verify it has been attached correctly.
3.2 – Attach Top Lensboard Clip
Parts Required:
➤ Front Standard Frame
➤ #4 ½” Cap Screw (x2)
➤ #4 Washer (x2)
➤ Top Lensboard Clip
Please note that your Top Lensboard Clip may look slightly different. The steps will still be the same – hole positions and hardware requirements match.
Make sure you are using the correct part. The large Top Lensboard Clip is being used now, and there are two similar but smaller Graflok Clips that will be used later in the assembly.
Add a Washer onto each
#4 ½” Cap Screw before placing them into the Top Lensboard Clip slots. Slide them to the top of each slot to help alignment.
Slowly tighten each screw, alternating between the two. Be careful not to over-tighten the screws. The Clip must be able to slide with a small force. If you cannot slide it with one finger, it is too tight.
3.3 – Attach Bolts to Front Standard

Parts Required:
➤ Front Standard Assembly
➤ ¼”-20 Bolt ¾” (x2)
➤ #4 ½” Screw (x4)
➤ Fork Attachment (x2)
Insert one ¼”-20 ¾” Bolt into each of the Fork Attachments as seen here. Make sure the bolt enters from the correct side and is captured by the hexagon shaped opening.
Locate the small grove on one side of the part. When fastening these parts to the Front Standard Assembly, make sure it faces upward and lines up with the groove in the Assembly.
Slowly tighten the two #4 ½” Screws on the Fork Attachment.
Complete the same process for both Fork Attachments.
3.4 – Attach Bellows to Front Standard
Parts Required:
➤ Front Standard Assembly
➤ Bellows Assembly
➤ #4 ½” Screw (x4)
* The four screws may be black. If you have ANY Black #4 ½” Screws in your kit, use them on this step. These should not be confused with two ⅜” Screws that may also be in your kit.
Take note of the seam on the outside of the bellows. This is the bottom of the bellows. Align this side of the bellows with the Front Standard Assembly as noted by the yellow arrows.
Use this image and the previous one to locate the holes on the left and right side of the Front Standard where the bellows is fixed in place.
Place the Assembly face down, and apply a light force in the positions here to hold it in position while fastening each of the #4 ½” Screws partially. Once each screw is partially threaded, completely fasten each screw. Be careful not to over-tighten these screws. They simply hold the frame in place, and over-tightening will damage the Front Standard.
The Front Standard Assembly is complete! Set it aside for the moment and begin working on the Rear Standard Assembly.
4.1 – Attach Bottom Rotation Clips
Parts Required:
➤ Rear Standard Frame
➤ #4 ½” Cap Screw (x2)
➤ Bottom Rotation Clip (x2)
Your Rear Standard Frame may be thicker than the one pictured above. The instructions are accurate otherwise.
Look at the Rear Standard Frame and note the top and bottom. The top has a small opening for the Bubble Level we will add later. The Bottom Rotation Clips are attached to the bottom of the Rear Standard Frame.
Partially thread each #4 ½” Cap Screw onto each of the Rotation Clips as seen here. This will help locate and fasten the part into the corresponding hole.
Double check this image to make sure you have the Clips fastened in the correct hole, facing the correct direction. They should not fit in any other orientation, so if it doesn’t seem to quite fit do not force it. You risk damaging the parts if you do.
4.2 – Attach Top Rotation Clips
Parts Required:
➤ Rear Standard Assembly
➤ #4 ⅝” Screw (x2)
➤ Top Rotation Clip (x2)
Your Rear Standard Frame may be thicker than the one pictured above. The instructions are still accurate otherwise. You will attach the bubble level in the next step.
Locate the holes near the top of the Rear Standard Assembly. This is where you will fasten the Top Rotation Clips.
Double check you are using #4 ⅝” Screws for this step. Fasten each Clip securely, but do not over-tighten. You should be able to rotate them with one finger. If they move freely they are too loose.
Ensure the same tightness for each of the Clips.
4.3 – Press Bubble Level into Rear Standard
Parts Required:
➤ Rear Standard Assembly
➤ 10mm Bubble Level
Make sure the hole on top of the Rear Standard Assembly does not have any debris inside. Also make sure Bubble Level is facing up, with the black circle on top.
Carefully press the Bubble Level into the Rear Standard Assembly. No glue or fastener is required. It should sit flush with the surrounding ridge as seen here.
4.4 – Attach Bellows to Rear Standard
Parts Required:
➤ Rear Standard Assembly
➤ Front Standard & Bellows Assembly
➤ #4 ⅜” Screw BLACK (x2)
Before proceeding, make sure the Front Standard and Rear Standard are correctly aligned.
The Bottom Lensboard Clip should be on the same side as the Bottom Rotation Clips as seen here.
Take a close look at the Rear Standard Frame, and take note of the bottom side. There is a small indent that you will slide the Rear Standard Bellows frames behind. When doing this, be careful not to move the velvet out of position.
Carefully position the Rear Bellows Frame into the indent, and then slowly tip the frame back into the Rear Standard Frame.
Next, use the two #4 ⅜” Black Screws to hold the frame in position. Look at the next image before threading these screws. The screws sit in front of the frame – they do not thread into the Bellows Frame directly.
Apply a light force to the Bellows Frame to hold it in position while fastening each #4 ⅜” Screw partially. Once both screws are partially threaded, you can fully fasten each slowly. Be careful to not over-tighten these screws. Over-tightening them will damage the Rear Standard.
As you can see here, the screw sits in front of the frame. It does not thread into the part! If you cannot see the hole the screw threads into, try to press the bellows frame in further until it is visible. You can always remove the bellows frame, and start again.
You can set this new Assembly aside for now. In future steps it will be called the Main Camera Assembly
4.5 – Mount Graflok Clips
Parts Required:
➤ Rear Standard Filmholder Frame
➤ #4 ½” Cap Screw (x4)
➤ #4 Washer (x4)
➤ Graflok Clip (x2)
Add one Washer onto each
#4 ½” Cap Screw and lightly fasten each into the two slots in each Graflok Clip. Slide them to the top of each slot to help with alignment.
Align each #4 ½” Cap Screw with the corresponding holes on the Filmholder Frame. Slowly tighten each screw, alternating occasionally so they are tightened equally. The Clip must be able to slide with a small force. If you cannot slide it with one fingerk, it is too tight.
Repeat these steps for the second Graflok Clip.
Set aside the Filmholder Frame.
4.6 – Mount Ground Glass Grip
Parts Required:
➤ Ground Glass Frame
➤ #4 ½” Screw (x2)
➤ Ground Glass Grip
Your ground glass grip may look like either of these, but the instructions are the same for both.
Locate the two holes for mounting the Grip onto the Ground Glass Frame. Use this image to verify you have aligned it in the correct position.
Partially thread each #4 ½” Screw through the Grip into the Ground Glass Frame. Double check it is in the correct position, and then fasten both screws fully.
4.7 – Drop in Ground Glass and Lock with Clips
Parts Required:
➤ Ground Glass Frame
➤ 4×5″ Ground Glass
➤ #4 ⅜” Cap Screw (x2)
➤ Ground Glass Lock (x2)
Inspect the Ground Glass, and note one side is frosted and one is smooth. There is a Standard Cameras Logo and grid etched on the frosted side. The frosted side must face downward. Use the photo to verify the position of the Ground Glass inside the Ground Glass Frame. Lightly press the Ground Glass into position. Also take note of where the Ground Glass Locks go (yellow arrows).
Once the Ground Glass is properly seated, fasten the two Ground Glass Locks using the two #4 ⅜” Cap Screws. Carefully make sure the Ground Glass is firmly held in position.
Double check the Ground Glass is not going to fall out. The Ground Glass is fragile.
4.8 – Complete Rear Standard Assembly
Parts Required:
➤ Main Camera Assembly
➤ Filmholder Frame
➤ Ground Glass Frame
First, position the Ground Glass Frame in the opening of the Filmholder Frame. Use the orientation seen in the first image. The Ground Glass Frame and Filmholder Frame both have angled faces – they should be on the same side. As circled in this image, take note of the small clips on the Ground Glass Frame. Slip the elastic cord over the four clips.
Here you can see the elastic cord holding the Ground Glass Frame correctly. It has been slipped over the clips, and is running in the channel on the Ground Glass Frame.
Take the Main Camera Assembly and place it with the Front Standard Frame facing down. Rotate the Top Rotation Clips outward, as seen in the image. Slide the Filmholder Frame underneath the Bottom Rotation Clips and drop it into the opening.
Rotate the Top Rotation Clips up and over the Filmholder Frame to lock it in place.
The Camera body assembly is complete! Use these two final images to quickly check everything looks correct.
5.1 – Attach one Front Standard Fork
Parts Required:
➤ Front Standard Fork Aluminum with Logo
➤ #4 ⅝” Screw
➤ #4 ¾” Screw
➤ Front Standard Fork
➤ Fork Lock
Double check you are using the correct 3D printed part. The Front Standard Fork is the shorter of the two.
Press the Fork Aluminum into the 3D printed Fork piece.* Take note that the #4 ⅝” Screw goes in the top hole, and the
#4 ¾” Screw in the bottom.
Partially thread the two screws into the Fork Lock. This will help position and properly fasten the assembly together. Make sure the screws enter the Fork Lock on the smaller side with countersunk holes for the screws to sit in.
Partially thread the two screws into the Fork Lock. This will help position and properly fasten the assembly together. Make sure the screws enter the Fork Lock on the smaller side with countersunk holes for the screws to sit in.
5.2 – Attach Front Standard Fork to Frame
Parts Required:
➤ Main Camera Assembly
➤ Front Standard Knob
➤ Front Standard Fork Assembly
Note the small groove cut out of the Fork Aluminum. This should line up with the grooves in the Front Standard as seen here.
Slide the aluminum Fork over the Bolt coming out the side of the Front Standard, and line up all the grooves. Use the Front Standard Knob to tighten the Assembly together.
5.3 – Attach 2nd Front Standard Fork and 2nd Knob
➤ Main Camera Assembly
➤ Front Standard Fork Aluminum
➤ #4 ⅝” Screw
➤ #4 ¾” Screw
➤ Front Standard Knob
➤ Fork Lock
Note the Groove on the Aluminum Fork. Make sure it is facing forward and aligned with the grooves in the Front Standard.
Follow the same procedure as before to attach the 3D printed Fork to the Aluminum Fork. Line up the holes in these two parts. Use the Fork Lock, and two screws to fasten it together. Make sure the #4 ¾” Screw (longer) is on bottom, and the
#4 ⅝” Screw (shorter) is on top. Fasten both screws fully.
Use the Front Standard Knob to fasten the Fork to the Front Standard Frame.
Set this aside for now.
5.4 – Assemble Rear Standard Forks
Parts Required:
➤ Rear Standard Fork
➤ Rear Standard Aluminum Fork (x2)
➤ #4 ¾” Screw (x2)
➤ #4 ⅝” Screw (x2)
➤ Fork Lock (x2)
Follow the same procedure from before. Press the Aluminum Fork into place, lining up its holes with the holes in the 3D Printed Fork. Partially fasten the two screws into the Fork Lock, and use it to attach the two parts together. Make sure the #4 ¾” Screw is on bottom, and the
#4 ⅝” Screw is on top. Make sure the logo on one of the Aluminum Forks is facing outward.
Repeat these steps for both Aluminum Forks.
5.5 – Mount Countersink Caps on Screws
Parts Required:
➤ #4 ⅝” Screw (x4)
➤ Screw Cap (x4)
Take a #4 ⅝” Screw and fasten it onto a Screw Cap. You will use these in the next step.
5.6 – Attach Rear Standard Forks to Camera Body
Parts Required:
➤ Main Camera Assembly
➤ Rear Standard Fork
➤ #4 ⅝” Screw (x4)
Take the Main Camera Assembly and place it on its left side as seen in the photo. Position the Rear Standard Fork on its left side, making sure the logo is facing upwards. Slide the Fork into position, lining up the holes noted by the red arrows in this photo.
Place and partially fasten a screw into each of the two holes. Make sure the screws are correctly placed in the holes on the Rear Standard Frame. Do not force them in at the wrong position. Once both are correctly located, completely fasten each screw. Flip the camera over, placing it on its right side, and repeat this process for the remaining two screws.
Note that when properly completed, the logos are on opposite sides of the camera, facing outward.
5.7 – Attach Camera Body to Rail
Parts Required:
➤ Main Camera Assembly
➤ Rail Assembly
➤ Fork Knob (x2)
Place the Rail Assembly in front of you, and pick up the Main Camera Assembly. Place it on top of the rail with one Fork over each of the Bolts. Use one Fork Knob for each of the Bolts.
Congratulations! You have completed the assembly of your own Standard 4×5. Use these last two images to complete one more quick visual inspection that everything has been properly assembled.
Check out the Resources page for videos on getting started with your 4x5!